Welcome to modelix!

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We develop an open source platform for models on the web to reduce distributed modeling friction for domain experts
We apply established web and cloud technologies to create a modeling tool in the browser which integrates with existing language workbenches whilst exploring new approaches


The modelix project develops an open source platform for (meta-)models on the web. We are native to the web and the cloud, inspired by this whitepaper[1].

On the path to this final idea, we currently develop multiple interoperable components that implement parts of our vision. Consequently, some parts are very stable and already in productive use while others are in a more experimental and explorative state. To gain an overview over components, head over to the Components of modelix reference.

Follow the 'Next' button in the bottom right to find out more details on our current roadmap, or dive directly into our sample project to get started! Otherwise, the How-To section serves as an implicit FAQ which might give answers to some of your immediate questions.

About this Documentation

This is the full modelix documentation for modelix version main. You can choose different versions at the bottom left of this page. This documentation brings together the documentation from all individual modelix components.

Structure Framework

We follow the systematic Diátaxis[2] approach in this documentation. As a result, we separate the documentation in the following four mayor categories:

  1. Tutorials (learning-oriented)

    Lessons that take the reader by the hand through a series of steps to complete a project of some kind. New users usually start here.

  2. How-To Guides

  3. Reference

    There is also a dedicated API page where you can find component specific API documentaion over at https://api.docs.modelix.org.

  4. Explanation

Technical Framework

This documentation is built using the Antora framework. All individual software components contain their own documentation within their own repository but are aggregated here. The playbook for aggregation and central source source for this documentation can be found in the modelix/modelix.doc repository. If you find any bugs or errors in our documentation please add pull requests or issues in the corresponding repository.


In this documentation we use various acronyms and domain-specific wording. Head over to the Glossary if you are unsure about what exactly we mean when talking about a model, meta-model, MPS, or others.


To contact us join our #modelix Slack channel which is part of the JetBrains MPS workspace or write us . To report issues please use our issue tracker.

1. "An open platform for systems and business engineering tools: collaborative modeling and analysis at scale" http://voelter.de/data/pub/APlatformForSystemsAndBusinessModeling.pdf
2. "A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring", see this video for an in depth explanation of the motives of this framework