How-To write via ModelQL

Writing with the type-safe ModelQL API

The extensions generated by model-api-gen-gradle also include functions for write access. These can be called on receivers that are instances of IMonoStep.

Specify the modelqlKotlinDir property to enable the generation.

For properties, references and single-valued child links use the set-functions.

client.query { root ->

To add a new child to multi-valued child links use the generated addTo-functions. The index parameter is optional: by default the child will be appended at the end. In case the target type of the child link is not abstract, the concept parameter can be omitted, because a default value will have been generated.

client.query { root ->
        .addToMember(C_StaticMethodDeclaration, index=1)

To remove a node, you will need to use the untyped API by calling .untyped().remove() on the typed node you want to remove.

client.query { root ->

Writing with the untyped ModelQL API

The untyped API is similar to the INode API (see model-api) and can be accessed by calling .untyped().