Development and Releases


The modelix project is developed open-source under the Apache-2.0 license. All components and software of the platform as well as issue tracking and project management are done in repositories in our GitHub organisation.

Currently, we use GitHub actions to build, test, and publish the components. We deploy all relevant artifacts to the itemis Nexus server as well as GitHub Packages

Issues are managed in our issue tracker over at

Release Cycle

With many components being in various development stages - from stable to early and conceptual - they are released individually for each repository. Generally, we follow the Semantic versioning scheme for releases. However, anything based on JetBrains MPS (e.g. MPS plugins or extensions) are prefixed with the corresponding MPS major and minor version number followed by our own patch version number. For example, the org.modelix.mps-model-plugin version 2021.2.103 is the 103rd release which is compatible with MPS 2021.2.*.

To make it easier for developers, the modelix platform is currently released twice a year as a single "platform release" which references compatible component versions. We aim to provide a Spring release R1 and an Autumn release R2. All development in-between is carried out as patches on the releases. This release cycle starts from 2023 with the first release on the MPS Community meetup in May: 2023.R1.

To gain an overview over existing components, please refer to the list of components here.