How-To apply the Model API Generator using the Gradle Plugin

If you are interested in a more practical usage of what is presented here, check out the samples project
  1. To apply model-api-gen to an existing JetBrains MPS language, it is necessary to build the project via Gradle.

    This How-To assumes a folder structure as follows

    ├── mps
    │   ├── build
    │   ├── metamodel
    │   │   └── [kotlin gradle sub-project]
    │   │
    │   ├── languages
    │   │   └── [your MPS languages]
    │   └── solutions
    │       └── [your MPS solutions]
    ├── settings.gradle.kts
    ├── build.gradle.kts
    └── [...]
  2. Once you have your Gradle setup done, add the following lines the respective files.

    1. file:

      The versions listed here are not the latest versions, refer to the repositories or use our latest release.
    2. settings.gradle.kts file:

      pluginManagement {
          val modelixCoreVersion: String by settings
          plugins {
              // the gradle plugin that provides easy access to the meta-model generator
              id("org.modelix.model-api-gen.gradle") version modelixCoreVersion
          repositories {
              maven { url = uri("") }
    3. build.gradle.kts file:

      plugins {
      val mpsVersion: String by rootProject
      val modelixCoreVersion: String by rootProject
      // ensure that the MPS directory name is correct
      val mpsDir = buildDir.resolve("mps")
      val mps by configurations.creating
      val mpsDependencies by configurations.creating
      dependencies {
      // you might already have this if you use Gradle to build your MPS languages
      val resolveMps by tasks.registering(Sync::class) {
          from(mps.resolve().map { zipTree(it) })
      // the specific addition of the meta-model generator Gradle helper
      metamodel {
          mpsHome = mpsDir
          // Source
          // ensure that your languages and solutions you want to generate are listed here
          // further restrictions can be made to filter namespaces, languages or concepts
          // this example imports dependencies from the shared dependencies folder
          // and specifically adds repository related concepts
          // Target
          // Kotlin
          // the target project into which the kotlin API will be build (requires the project to exist in the gradle setup)
          kotlinDir = project(":mps:metamodel").projectDir.resolve("src/main/kotlin")
          // an alternative to the line above
          // kotlinProject = project(":my-kotlin-project")
          // you can set the name of the registration helper class here
          registrationHelperName = "org.example.MyLanguages"
          // TypeScript
          // similar to the Kotlin API above, the typescript directory can be set to enable TS API generation
          typescriptDir = project(":my-typescript-project").projectDir.resolve("src/gen")
  3. The org.modelix.model-api-gen.gradle Gradle helper provides an additional target which will integrate into your build, so a simple re-build of your Gradle project should be sufficient. Alternatively, you can directly trigger the API generation via

    ./gradlew mps:metamodel:build
  4. Done. You can now use the generated Classes in your code Kotlin (or TypeScript) project in the mps/metamodel sub-project.